How to remove face tan

How to remove tan?

Sun and pollution are making our skin dull and tanned which may seem like a daunting task to get rid of. However, you may rest easy knowing that it is very uncomplicated to remove tan from the face and body. There are several home remedies for skin tan and different cosmetic products available in the market to give you practical solutions. We’ll discuss them here.

remove tan from face

Almost everyone leads a hectic lifestyle. And in our daily lives, we fulfil multiple tasks like going out to work, to the gym, buying groceries and stuff and doing other activities. We are always exposed to dirt and pollution which is another reason why we get tanned skin. On the other hand, sun exposure is quite common and unavoidable for us, and when our skin gets a suntan, it makes our skin tone darker. However, there is nothing to worry about as suntan can easily be treated through different remedies. So just keep reading until the end to find out the best way to remove tan from your face. 

What is Suntan?

Before proceeding further, we need to know the meaning of suntan first. Basically, it can be understood as a skin effect that occurs when our face, body, or neck develops a darker tone following exposure to the sun.

When our body is exposed to the sun's UV rays, our skin melanin works as a skin defence agent, and it stops the UV rays from penetrating deep into the skin. As a result, our outer layer of skin gets pigmented and dark.

There are different causes of suntan, which we are going to describe below. 

What are the causes of Suntan?

Before you find out the best way to remove tan from the face, let's know what causes it. 

The primary cause of suntan is exposure to UV rays. UV rays are the abbreviation of ultraviolet rays. 

There are two kinds of UV rays that can affect the human body: UVA rays and UVB rays.

UVA rays are hazardous as they can quickly go to the deeper cells of our body; they can trigger the production of melatonin and can also cause severe cell damage to our skin. Hence, suntan caused by UVA is more rigid and needs more time to go. The UVA also leads to early ageing problems as it causes damage to the cells. On the other hand, suntan caused by UVB can go away quickly. We can find this type of suntan more during summer and less during winter.

Ways to remove tan from skin

You must be wondering how to get rid of sun tan from your face, neck and body. We are here to share some effective solutions for the same. 

  • Consultation with a dermatologist: 

    how to remove sun tan on face

You can get effective consultation on your skin tan from a dermatologist. With the help of modern skin treatment techniques, you can effectively reduce and know the answer to how to remove sun tan on your face in a shorter span of time. You can even get a brighter looking skin. 

You must do de-tanning measures in a traditional way as advised by your dermatologist to reverse the effect of suntan on your face and body. This de-tanning treatment can be done by your dermatologist, who can better understand your skin type and treat your problems accordingly.

  • Use of cosmetic products: 

There are different cosmetics products available in the market that can help you reduce and understand how to remove sun tan on your face quickly and effectively.   

Products like sunscreen lotion, de-tan scrub and de-tan moisturiser, body wash etc., can work well to reduce the effects of sunburn. With regular use of these products, you can effectively get rid of suntan. 

But while choosing these products for your skin, you must consider your skin type. Also, take a look at the ingredients of those products. If you are allergic to any product or any particular components, you must avoid it.

  • Home remedies

Many home remedies for skin tan can give you a tan-free look. If you are wondering how to remove sun tan on your face without using artificial products or looking for natural alternatives, home remedies are the short answer to all your questions about suntan.

  1. Tomato and yoghurt mask

    The best home remedy to remove tan is a paste of tomato and yoghurt. Mix some tomato extract with yoghurt and apply this mixture to the tan affected areas of your body.

    Message it with the help of your fingertips and leave this mixture for a few minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Make sure to repeat this remedy twice a week on your face and body to remove suntan.

  2. Aloe vera mask
    Extract some fresh aloe vera gel from the stalk and blend it with some coconut oil. Now apply this mixture to the tan-affected area and massage gently.
    Leave this mask for a few minutes, and then rinse it off. Aloe Vera gel and coconut oil have soothing properties that work effectively on a suntan. At the same time, coconut oil will nourish your skin and make it smoother.  

  3. Papaya and honey mask
    Here comes another remedy for skin tan that you can follow. Take some papaya cubes and mash them in a bowl. Add some honey to the papaya paste.
    Apply this paste all over the tan affected area of your body. Leave for some time, and then wash this with water. It is a good home remedy mask that can quickly make your Suntan invisible. 

  4. Oats and milk paste
    Take one to two tablespoons of oats and make it a thick paste using the available amount of milk. Use this paste as a body scrub during bath. Regular massage of this paste as a scrub to your body can give you freedom from Suntan.

  5. Sandalwood powder

    If your question is how to get rid of tan on your face instantly, then sandalwood powder can solve your problem. Take some sandalwood powder and mix it with water. 

    Now apply this paste all over your face or to the tan affected areas with your fingertips. Let this mask dry in the air, and wash your face with cold water when the cover gets dry. This paste can give you instant relief from suntan. 

  6. Cucumber juice

    remove tan from face


    In a bowl, squeeze out some cucumber juice and apply this to your face and neck with the help of a cotton ball to remove tan from your face and neck. As cucumber is full of soothing properties, it will gently soothe your tan area, giving your face a brighter look.

  7. Lemon juice, honey and sugar scrub

    Mix some lemon juice with honey and sugar. Now use a mixture of body scrubs during the bath. This exfoliating mask has essential properties to remove the dead cells and suntan from your body and face. 

    While using lemon juice, please remember that you should not directly apply lemon juice to your skin. Instead, mix it with other ingredients properly before using it. 

  8. Turmeric paste

    Turmeric has lots of uses and is one of the oldest herbs of India that is used in Ayurvedic treatment. Turmeric can lighten your skin effectively. Hence you can use turmeric paste for tan removal. Take some turmeric root and make it a paste.
    Now along with this paste, add some cream of milk and mix them. Apply this mixture to your tan affected areas. But don't forget to wash this paste with the help of face wash. Because turmeric can leave yellow marks on your body if not cleaned properly.  As you can apply this remedy both on your face and body, make sure to apply Deep nourishing body butter from Pure Sense for better results. When you apply this product, it will lock the moisture of your skin and keep it protected from harmful pollutants.
    how to get rid of sun tan

  9. Red lentils and tomato paste

    Soak some red lentils or Masoor dal for 1-2 hours and paste it. Mix this paste along with some tomato paste. Apply this mixture to your face and neck to remove tan from the face and neck. 

  10. Gram flour, olive oil and lemon juice paste

    Mix some gram flour with olive oil and lemon juice and make a thick paste on your face and neck to remove tan from the face and neck. 

    Gram flour is beneficial for removing sun tan effectively from the skin, while almond oil can provide moisturisation, and lemon juice can brighten your skin. 

    So it well answered the question of how to get rid of tan on the face in the above section. Whether you are looking for a cosmetic de-tan process or using home remedies for Suntan, all these processes need to be performed regularly to get rid of sun tan effectively. 

It does not matter which remedy you are going to choose to get rid of suntan, make sure to opt for a good quality cleanser like revitalizing face cleansing gel from Pure Sense that is completely cruelty-free. Using this cleansing gel will deeply remove all types of dirt and impurities. Also, it will not cause any kind of side effects.

Grapefruit Face Wash


How to prevent Suntan?

If you are getting restless to know how to get rid of the tan on your face, there's no need to freak out. To prevent sun tanning, it is essential that you avoid the sun as much as you can. 

Restrict your daytime outings if possible, especially in the afternoon time upto 3 pm, as during this time, the scorching sun rays are most dangerous for your skin.

Also, use an umbrella or cap wherever you go during the daytime. Apply sunscreen lotion to the exposed body parts and wear covered clothes to avoid the UVA rays damaging skin. 

Also, it is suggested to take extra care of your lips, for which you can apply UV protection lip balm from Pure Sense. It would not just protect your lips from the sun's harmful rays but will keep them soft as well.

Grapefruit Lip Balm


Always wear UV protection sunglasses in the sun. Taking these measures can save you from suntan and help you know how to get rid of tan on your face. Also, you must drink hydrating food and juices during the daytime to keep your body hydrated constantly.


Suntan can increase melatonin production and damage your inner skin cells badly if you don't take proper care of it. It is always best to rely on home remedies and products. 

But, if your problem is severe, you must consult a good dermatologist. Also, while using natural ingredients on your skin, you must make a patch test to check if there are any allergic reactions or not. Try to avoid going out in the sun as much as possible to minimise Suntan.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How to prevent Suntan?

    To know "how to get rid of suntan", you must limit your daytime outings as much as you can and always use the following products during day time - such as sunscreen lotion, protective cloth, umbrella, hat etc. Also, you can cover your exposed areas of the face and neck with a scarf and mask.

  • What are the remedies to get rid of a suntan?

    There are lots of home remedies to get rid of suntan. To remove tan from the face, you can apply the mixture of tomato and yoghurt, turmeric and milk cream, tomatoes and red lentils etc. 

    Also, you can use body scrubs like oatmeal and milk, papaya and honey, sugar scrub etc., to exfoliate your outer skin to remove dead skin cells from the body. It will also de-tan your body and face. But you must do these remedies regularly for effective results.

  • How long does a sunburn take to heal?

    Wondering how to remove suntan sun tan from your face? If your sunburn is not very severe, it can be cured within 5-6 days. But if your suntan is really big, it can take weeks to heal. You must be careful if your suntan is taking longer than required to recover. In these scenarios, you must consult with your dermatologist for help.